
Where Can I Watch Grand Blue Anime

Grand Blue anime to stream only on Amazon

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level 1

My dissapointment is immeasurable and my twenty-four hour period is ruined

level 2

· four twelvemonth. ago

As much of a tragedy as it is, at least it'south non Netflix.

really, if it was netflix we'd probably get fansubs that are higher quality than official then nvm lol

level 2

· 4 twelvemonth. ago


Just get Prime. Awesome deal imho.

When does my CR sub or Netflix sub requite me free ii-day shipping, subs on Twitch and access to free prime video?

level two

· 4 yr. ago

https://world wide

Go treat yourself to some Starbucks water so, that'll cheer you up!

level 1

Given this is made by the creator of Baka & Examination which I fucking adored, I got high hopes hither.

level two

· 4 yr. ago

I came for the Baka to Test Writer, I stayed for what soon became my favourite comedy manga ever (together with Prison Schoolhouse). Baka to Examination was neat, but Grand Blue outshines it in every way possible. You lot're in for a ride.

level 2

· 4 yr. ago

Managing director of Sakamoto which was excellent.

level 1

Unpopular opinion, but Amazon gets shows that appeal to my tastes far more on average than the usual CR, Funi, and Netflix fare. HiDive gets a skilful selection too. Prime for shipping plus a respectable set of enjoyable anime is a pretty skilful bargain imo.

level ii

Yeah, my only event with amazon video is the U.s. side sometimes forgets to upload the episodes on time and most recently uploads them without subtitles. When they mess the subtitles they usally up in less than a day, but when they forget to upload the episode it can take them from simply a day to almost a whole calendar week. I believe that Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii had the start episode nearly whole week tardily for this same reason.

level 2

Yeah, the option is practiced, it'south everything else that'southward the problem. Half the issue is navigating their horrible interface to search for shows.

level 2

· 4 year. ago

I'd be fine with it if Amazon would get their shit together. Sometimes they're more than than a day late uploading an episode or they upload it but they forget to add subs. Likewise their thespian and whole UI for watching shows sucks.

But at to the lowest degree it'southward tolerable now that they're not charging actress on top of Prime...

level 2

I'm with you on their selection. Although it'southward somewhat small it does tend to lean towards what i like. I have Prime but withal use the high seas to lookout their anime. Their interface is a pain and information technology forces me to utilise close captions for subs on my Roku.

level 2

They seem to have all the noitamina series from the by couple of years, it's an interesting mix.

level 2

Prime number toll is going up, it aint worth it anymore just to get only stuff 3 or four days before. It'southward like those games where you have to buy gems/diamonds to get a build get washed faster

level 1

· four yr. ago

Well fuck, time to canvass the seas

level two

· 4 yr. agone

Information technology doesn't actually help when the chief problem is Amazon is generally a day or more than late on their episode releases and the copies on the seven seas are Amazon rips...


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